We were able to interest children in their studies and explain to parents why it is important to teach children modern IT technologies.

Wonder how? This case is about that.
Create a website for a children's IT school, that parents can watch together with their children and both would like to study there.

What do children like, the same as all adults – to relax and have fun, then how do you show a child that studying is cool? We received a request to develop a website for a children's IT school, which has a mission to make the learning process simple and fun. Our team found it a very interesting challenge, because it was our first "family" project.
A colorful website with funny characters that are interesting to look at for different age groups.

A direct message with a concrete explanation of why it’s worth giving children education in modern technologies since childhood.

Now children are asking their parents to send them to this school, because it will be fun and there will be a lot of cool friends.
Just look at this project and imagine yourself as a child, you will definitely like it! By the way, we can make a website for an adult IT school :)