Another educational center…
or a story about how to create something unique in a very popular service industry?
Creating a brand from scratch

We were approached by a girl who had a dream of creating her own educational center. She was burning with this idea, but at the same time she was very afraid of becoming another educational center with huge competition for a standard service.

For us, such a task sounded like a challenge, which we gladly accepted.
To make not just a company selling courses in German, but to create a brand that offers comprehensive services and turnkey services for students.

Many business owners have long realized that offering training services to students is a gold mine. Therefore, over the past couple of years, a huge number of identical (faceless) educational centers have appeared on the market. But with the growth of competition, a potential client is only getting smarter and now he can perfectly see a low-quality service or a company that is interested only in profit.

What did we propose to do?

To create not only a company, but also a personal brand, in order to make it alive and real.

Add comprehensive offers for students to the center's services, which will help the company to make a profit faster and stand out from competitors.

To make a unique trade offer of the Price-Quality-Benefit type, where the benefit for the client is a small flow of clients of the center, which allows the company's employees to treat each student as carefully as possible and quickly solve problems, taking into account the individuality of each student.
We created the right positioning of the company, taking into account the specifications of customers from Post-Soviet countries, which helped the company to easily enter and become in demand in the CIS market.

We helped to assemble the right brand book and create a logo based on the psychology of colors and the basics of neuromarketing when working with schoolchildren and students, thanks to which we were able to win over a young audience to the brand and cause maximum trust in its owner.

We formed unique comprehensive packages of services, focusing on the personal management of each student by a specialist of the company, which helped the center to immediately get not only a good image on the market, but also to increase the projected profit by 3 times.

We connected modern online promotion channels for the company and the owner's personal brand, such as a website and social networks, which led to an instant increase in recognition.