How to put a brand idea, a huge list of your company's features and services into a one-page website?
creating a Landing Page and updated positioning for a company that combines several separate types of services at once.

The owners of the Elements Group company turned to us for help in creating a one–page business card website. This task seemed quite easy to our team, and after the first meeting with the brand representatives, we already knew that we needed to create a website design and add text to it. But as it turned out, it's not that simple…

For many years, the company has presented itself as a logistics partner that delivers various goods from China. After conducting a brief research before working on the site itself, we realized that the real idea of the company and its unique trading offer actually lies in something completely different.
To start creating a Landing Page only after conducting a full marketing analysis to form the correct positioning of the company.
Elements Group has found its uniqueness in the fact that they are not just a logistics company, but a company that provides outsource manufacturing services!

The brand began to sparkle with new colors, was able to understand its advantages and was able to stand out from competitors.

The company has a Landing Page with a cool design and the necessary message for sales.

The site perfectly fulfills the role of a business card, after viewing which more than 60% of visitors leave requests for primary contact